Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To Castlepoint & Into Wellington

Castlepoint Lighthouse with the light still lit just before sunrise

After leaving Napier on our way to Wellington, we drove up to the top of Te Mata Peak for a wide view of Hastings and the surrounding area. Then out to Cape Kidnappers (named by Captain Cook on one of his journeys) to try to see the large nesting area of the Australian Gannets. Upon arriving at the end of the road, we found out that due to the tides we could not make it out to the nesting area (the long trail went along the beach) – so we skipped seeing them.

After a long drive we made it in to the beautiful Castlepoint lighthouse (the tallest on the North Island) which sits on a rugged bluff along the coast. After a walk up to the lighthouse we camped in a holiday park right on the beach and were lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves. In the morning, it was back up to the lighthouse before dawn to watch another of the fantastic New Zealand sunrises on a clear day. Then, as is one of our traditions, we waded in the Pacific Ocean (we still have to wade in the Tasman Sea on the western shores of New Zealand)

We headed southwest, up and over the notorious Rimutaka Pass, and then attempted to see a lighthouse on the other side of Wellington. The drive thru Wellington was ‘exciting’ since the city is very hilly, the streets are narrow, the roads are very winding, and it was foggy in some places. We ended up at the end of what seemed like a one land road only to find that the area to get to see the lighthouse was off limits. So, we drove back north thru the city and to a holiday park about 15 kilometers outside the city and rested after the tiring drive. At least we got to see some wildlife while driving out southwest of the city. Tomorrow we are taking the bus into town to see the sights.

Castlepoint lighthouse in early morning sunlight

A horse in a field southwest of Wellington (Note the long mane and very long tail)

Wild turkeys (1 tom and 3 hens) in a field southwest of Wellington

1 comment:

Cherie said...

That first picture of the lighthouse doesn't even look like a picture! It looks like a painting. Lucien wants you to bring back that horse so he can ride it.